The real fun of life relies on how we plan it and the same can be said for the exciting activities taking place in Geneva. Geneve Agenda is the sorted path to participate here in Geneva shows that you like.

Come on baby, light my fire – The contemporary artwork is amazing and people all around are a fan of the same. This time here in Geneva this event is going to be organised where very famous ceramic, art historian and galerist are ready to show their artworks. So, don’t forget to buy your tickets right now or you will miss the show for certain. You can get all the details on our website. The dates of the show are from November 15th to 30th so come down and enjoy by planning a perfect Geneve Agenda.
Le vison voyageur – Want to watch out some theatre acts, if yes then this is the best act that you must get your tickets booked for. Here the show is about some hilarious circumstances and is directed by very famous Alain Herzig. The show is in French language and the dates are from November 15tha and will extend till 30th.
Throwback – Theatres shows are always famous in Geneva since ages or we can say theatre is the blood of Geneva. Here in this Geneve Agenda if you set up perfectly will get a chance to have a detailed discussion about various chapters and concerns raised in the Theatre de POCHE. The event is being organised in French and there is no need to get the tickets as it is completely free of cost. The show is on November 22nd.
You should only have eyes on me – The augmentation in digital world tools has raised a number of questions, so to answer them this entire event has been organised. Here many celebrated people from the related field are invited to have a talk. You must come here and enjoy the fun. It is a wonderful opportunity to learn and use digital marketing in a better way and for the benefits as well. It is a free show and the dates are from November 15th to 30th.
The best and the only way to take pleasure of all the shows and events of Geneva are through Geneve Agenda. It will help you in deciding the events and plan accordingly. Take help of our website that is
Tags: concert geneve, theatre geneve, grand theatre geneve, theatre du leman, spectacle geneve, agenda geneve, geneve agenda, agenda geneve week end, geneva events, events in geneva, events geneva, evenement geneve, evenement geneve aujourd'hui, geneve evenement, weekend geneve, concert in geneva