Sometimes we all need to forget all the worries and want to spend some time enjoying. Spectacle Geneve (Geneva Show) will gift you with the same. But you should know about the shows that are taking place here and book your tickets right away. Here we have an assorted list for you.

Theatrical Tourist Tours – Have you ever seen statues talking; No right? But in this event, things will change. Don't worry it is a comical show wherein there will be one guide and seven statues. With every statue, there will be two to three comedians working on the historical characters. By reading only good bumps are coming so just imagine how much are you going to enjoy in this show. So, hurry and buy the tickets immediately and give yourself some light time. This Spectacle Geneve (Geneva Show) will be performed on December 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th.
Monday Night Quiz- Your general knowledge can help you to grab beer passes. Not only this, the beer passes will be valid for whole one month. So, there will be some questions and you need to answer them. If you come first you will get three beer passes, prized and free entry too. While the second and third winners will also be given passes. So, don’t miss out this quiz as it is an amazing opportunity. The dates are only December 10th and 17th and the show is free.
The many lives of a Herbarium – Have you ever bumped into Herbaria? This is an amazing plant and now many new and exciting things have been ascertained about it. The information is so exciting that even its collectors will get astonished off. So, come down to this Spectacle Geneve (Geneva Show) and know the details. The show is free and you can come any day between December 8th to 31st.
Exclusivement Contemporain – This exhibition is very different from others and is exciting too. It is being conducted for celebrating the 100 years of Swizz society. So, make sure you plan out some time for this free show and grab some experience. The dates of the show are between 8th of December to 30th of December.
Spectacle Geneve (Geneva Show) means enjoying at its best and making others enjoy too. Just grab your box of popcorn and make the most benefits. Get your tickets and details from
Tags: concert geneve, theatre geneve, grand theatre geneve, theatre du leman, spectacle geneve, agenda geneve, geneve agenda, agenda geneve week end, geneva events, events in geneva, events geneva, evenement geneve, evenement geneve aujourd'hui, geneve evenement, weekend geneve, concert in geneva, new geneva events, upcoming geneva events