What do you consider the most watching television alone or taking a skip to watch out the happening here in Geneva? Evenement Geneve is the apt choice for your boring life and here is the reason why.

Exile – This is one of the famous shows to be seen here in Geneva and has unlimited stories behind it; the story that revolves around sorrow, grief and a lot of emotions. As the name signifies the motive of the show that is exile where people are forced to leave everything and move forward in their life without any plan. The stories and the instances are breathtaking but the photojournalists of Magnum Photos have tried their best to capture the same in their cameras. This is something that you will not get to see in the daily life and hence do get your tickets for Evenement Geneve amid November 22nd to 28th.
Cafe Scientifique: YES BUT NO! – the show is all about science and if you are anxious to know something new or have any questions with regard to science then do take participation in this show. It is good news that this show is free of cost and is a learning experience too. The date of the show is November 26th and here you will get a chance to have discussions with the experts who will throw light on many topics that are still unknown. So, get ready for the experience.
Mai-Thu Perret – He is a very famous Swiss artist who is known for his larger than life exhibitions all around the world. This time also you will get to explore a very big exhibition dedicated to his work as the first floor of the whole museum is focused on the same. So, grab the tickets right now and come down for Evenement Geneve between November 22nd to 30th.
Le coach – Having a life coach can really make the life so easy and there will be no kind of turbulence between the normal and professional life at all. But as it is not possible in real life, this show is showcasing the same on stage. You must watch out for this show as it is meaningful and at the same time hilarious too. The dates of the show fall between November 22nd to 30th.
One should never miss a chance to enjoy Evenement Geneve. If you want to know more then come down to https://eventsgeneva.ch/ now.
Tags: concert geneve, theatre geneve, grand theatre geneve, theatre du leman, spectacle geneve, agenda geneve, geneve agenda, agenda geneve week end, geneva events, events in geneva, events geneva, evenement geneve, evenement geneve aujourd'hui, geneve evenement, weekend geneve, concert in geneva