Concerts and music offer the best time to enjoy and have loads of fun embodied inside it. If you want to enjoy some of the best ones then Concert Geneve is the thing that you should enlist in your diary. We have the list of shows taking place this month here.

AMR – JAM SESSION – Never forget to be a part of the musical jam sessions and when they are free. Yes, this time we will take you to the show where you will get a chance to enjoy the most beautiful music by the talented musicians around the globe. Don't believe us then come down to this show and enjoy the best with us. Yes, don’t forget that this show is totally free and all you need is to come on time. The coming dates of the concert Genève are December 4th, 11th and 18th.
Bag Thursdays – What do you expect from any concert; music, jam and some really good vibes. If you are calling out for all of these things then this show needs your presence. Here we have varieties of concerts and this is going to be a boon for all the budding artists and will turn out to be a learning experience too. The dates for which you need to book your tickets are December 6th and 13th.
Guitar Thursday – Concerts and live music are in the air of Geneva and if you are here then getting the tickets of the amazing shows will be easy with us only. This show is about guitar and music. If you want to be a part of any such things like guitar then get the tickets right now or you will be surely missing on something really amazing. You should finish all your things before December 6th for this Concert Geneve.
Trio Joubran – The music that comes down with generation has its worth and there is immense meaning behind it. Come to this concert and enjoy the music played by the trio brothers who have been descending their forefathers’ art till date. So, grab on the tickets right away so you don’t miss out the show. The dates are December 6th.
Concert Geneve is here with many celebrated artists of all times and this is the wonderful opportunity for you to come and enjoy. Reach us at for details and also to book as many tickets as you want.
Tags: concert geneve, theatre geneve, grand theatre geneve, theatre du leman, spectacle geneve, agenda geneve, geneve agenda, agenda geneve week end, geneva events, events in geneva, events geneva, evenement geneve, evenement geneve aujourd'hui, geneve evenement, weekend geneve, concert in geneva, new geneva events, upcoming geneva events