What type of shows are you looking for; music or drama? List out your favourite show with Eventsgeneva and enjoy at its best. Here we have listed some of the best and popular Evenement Geneve shows for you.

Open Mic Night – This time all the amateur musicians are invited to take part in this show. Here the budding artist will get to perform plus will get addressed with their idols as well. So, brush up your skills and bring up your talent. This show is really going to change your life so don't miss the chance. The show is free so make sure you are a part of the time. Here is the date of the show that is January 31st. The show is being organized for a day only so work hard and be on time for this Evenement Geneve.
A quarter of a century is a celebration - This year it is going to be a huge celebration as the very famous museum of Geneva is going to reopen after complete twelve years. Yes, we are taking about Musee Ariana. Along with this, there is one more motive to celebrate, and that is the twenty-fifth-anniversary celebration of the museum. Come down to the museum and here you will get to explore a wide variety of antiques, art and a lot of things. It is a new and unseen world. If you have never been to this museum, then do book your tickets now. The dates are January 6th and 27th.
Geneva Lux festival – This Evenement Geneve is all about lights, and here the artist has come together from all part of the world. If you want to see something majestic and eye-pleasing, then finish all your pending task and reach the venue on time. The show will be performed from January 5th to 13th.
Acoustic Night – It’s time to forget the entire tussle and enjoy sometime clubbing. This time we invite you to be part of the show with Sean Elyot and Renzo G. Get geared up for some amazing music and sound. You are surely going to enjoy like anything. The date is January 11th, and you have to book tickets to enter.
There are a series of Evenement Geneve, and you have to sit and decide the one that interests you. For details reach us at https://eventsgeneva.ch/. You can book the tickets of the selected show from here itself.
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